Summer Music Courses in Prague
2nd July - 12th July 2024

Every July, young musicians from the United Arab Emirates and other countries come to Prague for 10 days to study their repertoire intensively with PMCP pedagogues and to play together in the orchestra. During their off-program time, they enjoy Prague, one of the most beautiful and exciting Europian cities

Premier Music College of Prague (PMCP)
Prague Annual International Summer Music Course
For all young musicians worldwide
From 2nd to 12th of July 2024
This summer course includes the following daily activities that promise musical enrichment:
Instrument lessons: 60-minute lessons each day.
Music Theory lessons: 45-minute daily sessions.
Orchestra lessons: the initial 5 days.
Prague old town concert: after 5 days, the course leads to an orchestra concert performance in the historic Prague old town.
Chamber music focus: the final 5 days
.Grand Finale Concert: to mark the end of the course a final recital concert will be held to showcase progress and achievements.
All participants and their parents will be invited to a reception party in the garden of PMCP.
Rooms for practice during the entire course will be offered to all participants.
Additional offers (for an additional fee):
Younger participants will have opportunity to practice with high-level students of the college.
Rental of musical instruments is available upon request.
The cafeteria will offer drinks, snacks.
A violin maker will be available for small repairs of instruments or bow rehairing.
Instruments and accessories for beginners and advanced players will be available for sale.
Accommodation possibilities:
The following hotels are within walking distance of the school or well reachable by public transport. Tickets can be arranged upon request. – – – –
Additional possibilities for free-time activities:
(The prices will be specified upon request)
Booking for concerts, theater, opera, and ballet performances.
Visits to Rudolfinum, home of the Czech Philharmonic, the National Theatre, and other venues.
Prague sightseeing tour, including Prague Castle, Charles Bridge, Old Town Square, Petřín Hill, and the mirror labyrinth.
Application deadline: 20th April 2024
Anyone interested in registering please email:
Fee of the summer course: €1750 (accomodation and additional offers are not included)
Fees to be transferred to the following account:
Name of the Bank: FIO Banka
Name of Account: Premiere Music College of Prague
No. of Account: 2800805121/2010
IBAN: CZ61 2010 0000 0028 0080 5121
-Since the summer course can accommodate only 30 players, we will confirm the booking for the first 30 registrants according to their registrations date. The registration will start on the 15th March 2024.
- In case of registration of less than 9 participants, PMCP reserves the right to change the conditions of the summer courses 2024.
GCC Competition and Masterclasses in Dubai

Every year in January the GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council) countries competition for young virtuosos is hosted and organized in Dubai by National Conservatory / Emirates Youth Symphony Orchestra and its director Mr. Riad Kudsi.
This competition is open to all types of musical instruments including Western, Arabic and other folk instruments and voice. The age limit of participants is 18 years, they compete in several levels according to their age and skills. The competition has two rounds.
Jury members are pedagogues of PMCP and local and international musicians and professors.
Winners of 2016 GCC Competition:
1st prize - Sophie Sukendro
2nd prize - Sarah Turner
3rd prize - Freddie Welch
1st honorary mention - Kai Tanadol Sung
2nd honorary mention - Nayla Ahmad
3rd honorary mention - Fatima Al Raqbani
1st prize - Yuri Goto
2nd prize - Salma Amalia Schild
3rd prize - Dogukan Demirel
1st honorary mention - Samuel Sukendro
2nd honorary mention - Azalia Arman
3rd honorary mention - Akeesha Rodriguez
2nd prize - Maria Guiracossian
1st prize - Eljin Yoo
Eljin Yoo and Xialoin Zhang
For detailed information contact Mr. Riad Kudsi:
Emirates Youth Symphony Orchestra,
National Conservatory Dubai,
6th floor, Thomsen Reuters Building
Dubai Media City, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Phone: +971-506-335-270
1st prize - Majd Aburas
2nd prize - Jolina Hamdan
3rd prize - Sherief El Shentenawi
1st honorary mention - Ian Fernandez
1st prize - Xiaolin Zhang
2nd prize - Tan Caner
3rd prize - Gabriel Hajjar
1st honorary mention - Umayma Al Shunnar
2nd honorary mention - Eujean Cha
3rd honorary mention - Mira Ghobash
1st prize - Leyth Elmani
2nd prize - Dylan Ahn
honorary mention - Hisham Maarraoui
1st honorary mention - Saba Vaziri
2nd honorary mention - Jude Soussan
3rd honorary mention - Katya Eid
International Music Study Exam (IMSE)

International Music Study Exam (IMSE) is a project developed by Premier Music College of Prague, National Conservatory Dubai and Emirates Youth Symphony Orchestra. It is intended for students who like music, work conscientiously and find enjoyment and satisfaction in completing the assigned tasks. It represents an opportunity for students who want to succeed amongst strong competition and continue their studies at conservatories and universities worldwide.
IMSE consists of 12 levels. Each level includes two stages. Each stage lasts approximately one semester and includes prescribed musical instrument and music theory curricula. At the end of each semester (in January and in June) the students will be examined in these curricula by a professional pedagogical jury and gain the appropriate number of points. After completing the exam, the student receives a certificate in which the professional committee attests that the student’s playing level corresponds to the same level of performance at the best music schools worldwide.
The certificate entitles the student to automatically continue the studies at PMCP in the following year. The musical virtuosity and technical skills of a successful graduate of level 12 entitles the graduate to apply for entrance exams to universities of his/her choice worldwide (e.g. in Prague).
None of these steps may be omitted; only in exceptional cases, extremely-talented students may be examined in multiple stages at a time.
The levels are divided into:
preparatory level
basic studies (leve 1-6)
intermediate studies (level 7-9)
advanced studies (level 10-12
The exam consists of:
Instrumental performance (120 points altogether, each part is 20 points)
etudes (technical exercises)
sonata or sonatina
orchestral parts
Music theory exam (100 points altogether)
theory (40 points)
acoustic analysis (20 points)
musical dictation - melodic, rhythmic (20 points)
solfege (20 points)
PMCP exams are intended for students who like music, work conscientiously and find enjoyment and satisfaction in completing the assigned tasks. It represents an opportunity for students who want to succeed amongst strong competition and continue their studies at conservatories and universities worldwide.The basic impulse for this music project was the long-term cooperation between PMCP and the National Conservatory - Dubai. PMCP teachers appreciate the work results of the National Conservatory - Dubai and would like to combine their efforts to create the best conditions for developing Arab students! talent. The cooperation is based on experience with the Central European study system. A balanced selection of technical and recital exercises and compositions makes playing a musical instrument accessible and inspiring for students. The system of studies which consist of independent work, master courses, exams and a contest creates school rules that make the students and teachers feel a sense of belonging and friendly cooperation in an inspiring competitive environment.
20th Emirates International Violin Competition
Deadline for registration and submission of videos
6th January 2024
We cordially welcome you to the 20th Emirates International Violin Competition, a Violin Educational Event organized by the Premier Music College of Prague (PMCP), Dubai National Conservatory (DNC) and the Emirates Youth Symphony Orchestra (EYSO).
06.01.2024: Deadline for registration and submission of videos.
20.02.2024: The competition result will be announced on
General rules & eligibility:
The competition is open to all violinists worldwide up to the age of 20 years with the following categories and age limits.
- Category 1 born in 2016 or younger
- Category 2 born in 2014 or younger
- Category 3 born in 2012 or younger
- Category 4 born in 2010 or younger
- Category 5 born in 2007 or younger
- Category 6 born in 2004 or younger
The competition will be held online by sending videos. Submission of all the videos should be done by WeTransfer before 6.1.2024 to
All competitors should fill the application form on line and send the three following documents as attachments before 6.1.2024 to :
1) one high resolution current photo
2) scan of any personal document proving date of birth
3) proof of payment of the registration fee -
Late applications or videos won’t be considered.
Younger competitors can enter any higher category, but not the other way round.
Competitors should select Etudes and Pieces that align with the chosen category, with the assistance of their teacher.
All performances should be played with piano accompaniment unless the works are written for solo violin.
The jury members will evaluate the quality of the performances.
Competition results are not subject to change once they are announced.
Conditions of the Videos:
- Professional or high-quality amateur filming of the performance is allowed.
- You can record each piece separately, but when shooting the video for each piece, it must be done in one continuous take without any editing or stopping the camera.
- The video recording should be horizontal (landscape mode), mainly focusing on the violinist’s hands, instrument, and face. The pianist should also be visible in the recording.
- Ensure that the video’s audio is clear and free from any noise.
- Video recordings that do not fulfil the required conditions will not be considered nor evaluated.
- The competition’s organizer holds the exclusive rights to post all competition videos on the EYSO’s and PMCP’s Facebook, Instagram, and website.
Fees & Submission:
Category 1 & 2: 65 EUR.
Category 3 & 4: 85 EUR.
Category 5 & 6: 110 EUR.
Name of the Bank: FIO Banka
Name of Account: Premiere Music College of Prague
No. of Account: 2800805121/2010
IBAN: CZ61 2010 0000 0028 0080 5121
Jury Members
Prof. Riad Kudsi (UAE) - head of Jury: violinist, director of Dubai National Conservatory & conductor of EYSO.
Mrs. Lucie Sedláková Hůlová (Czech Republic): concert violinist, member of the Kinsky Trio Prague, artistic director of the Praga Camerata Orchestra, professor at the Premier Music College of Prague.
Prof. Koh Gabriel Kameda (Germany): solo violinist, first prizewinner of the Henryk Szeryng International Violin Competition, Professor at Musikhochschule Münster, member of international juries.
Mr. Milan Šetena (Austria): first violinist of the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra, soloist and chamber musician, professor at numerous Masterclasses, member of international juries.
Mr. Daniel Glineur (Belgium): violin teacher, member of international juries, youth orchestra conductor.
Evaluation, scoring & acknowledgments, prizes
Prizes are awarded for each category as follows:

- Prizes will be distributed during the Summer Course in Prague (PMCP). Competitors who cannot attend the Summer Course in Prague will have their certificates sent to them by email.
- The percent reduction for the winners cannot be transferred to another year if the winner does not attend the course in 2024.

Competition Violin Program
- All the pieces in Categories 1 to 4 should be performed by memory, except for the Etudes.
- All the pieces in Categories 5 & 6 should be performed by memory, including the Caprices.
- Using a music sheet where not allowed will result in a deduction of 5 mark from the final score.
Category 1
Required to perform the following:
1- Etude: choose an Etude that showcases your current level and ability.
2- Virtuoso Piece: select a virtuoso piece that best demonstrates your current level and ability.
3- Concertino: it is recommended to choose the first movement from any of the following concertinos:
F. Kuchler: Concertino in G Major, Op. 11
O. Rieding: Concertino in B minor, Op. 35
A. Yanshinof: Concertino in A minor, Op. 35
F. Seitz: Concertino No. 5 in D Major, Op. 22
A. Huber: Concertino No. 4 in G Major, Op. 8
Alternatively, you can choose an equivalent easy concerto in the 1st position.
Category 2
Required to perform the following:
1- Etude: choose an Etude that showcases your current level and ability.
2- Virtuoso Piece: select a virtuoso piece that best demonstrates your current level and ability.
3- Concertino: it is recommended to choose the first movement from any of the following concertino:
F. Kuchler: Concertino in D Major in the style of Vivaldi
A. Vivaldi: Concerto No. 6 in A minor, Op. 3
O. Rieding: Concertino in D Major, Op. 25, or 3rd Movement of G Major, Op. 24
F. Seitz: Concertino No. 4, Op. 15
L. Jansa: Concertino, Op. 54
Alternatively, you can choose an equivalent easy concerto in the 1st & 3rd position.
Category 3
Required to perform the following:
1- Etude: choose an Etude that showcases your current level and ability.
2- Virtuoso Piece: select a virtuoso piece that best demonstrates your current level and ability.
3- Concerto: it is recommended to choose the first movement from any of the following concertos:
J. S. Bach: Concerto in A minor, BWV 1041
J. Haydn: Concerto No. 2 in G Major, Hob. XVIII: 4
G. B. Viotti: Concerto No. 23 in G Major
J. B. Accolay: Concerto No. 1 in A minor
W. A. Mozart: Concerto No. 2 in D Major, K 211
Alternatively, you can choose an equivalent concerto up to 5th position.
Category 4
Required to perform the following:
1- Etude: choose an Etude that showcases your current level and ability.
2- Virtuoso Piece: select a virtuoso piece that best demonstrates your current level and ability.
3- Solo Violin: “Gigue” from Partita No. 3 by Bach, or any fast movement from any of the “12
Fantasias” by Telemann TWV 40:14-25.
4- Concerto: it is recommended to choose the first movement from any of the following concertos:
Ch. de Bériot: Concerto No. 9. in A minor, Op. 104
P. Rode: Concerto in A minor. No. 7, Op. 9
R. Kreutzer: Concerto No. 19 in D minor
L. Spohr: Concerto No. 9 in D minor, Op. 55
W. A. Mozart: Concerto No. 3 in G Major, K. 216 (with any cadenza)
Alternatively, you can choose an equivalent concerto up to 5th or 7th position.
Category 5
1- Caprice: choose one caprice by Dont, Op. 35 or Rode, Op. 22 or Gavinies, Op. 35
2- Virtuoso Piece: select a virtuoso piece that best demonstrates your current level and ability.
3- Solo Violin: any slow and fast movement from any Sonata or Partita by Bach.
4- Concerto: to perform the first or third movement from any of the following concertos:
M. Bruch: Concerto in G minor, Op. 26
F. Mendelssohn: Concerto in E minor, Op. 64
E. Lalo: Symphonie Espagnole, Op. 21 (1st or 5th movement)
C. Saint-Saëns: Concerto No. 3 in B minor, Op. 61
A. Glazunov: Concerto in A minor, Op. 82
Category 6
1- Caprice: choose one caprice by Paganini Op. 1 or Wieniawski Op. 18
2- Virtuoso Piece: select a virtuoso piece that best demonstrates your current level and ability.
3- Solo Violin: to perform any Adagio & Fugue from any Sonata by Bach
4- Concerto: to perform the first movement from any of the following concertos:
L. van Beethoven: Concerto in D Major, Op. 61
J. Brahms: Concerto in D Major, Op. 77
P. I. Tchaikovsky: Concerto in D Major, Op. 35
N. Paganini: Concerto No. 1 in D Major, Op. 6
J. Sibelius: Concerto in D Minor, Op. 47